Sunday, February 9, 2014

Day 7 - Kind of an off day

Started Insanity today, even though I hate it.  I know I need an exercise regime, I don't want to just do random workouts each day. I have heard and read that you will not receive as good of results as if you had a plan.  Insanity is one I can do when traveling, I don't need any equipment and it has a calendar making it very easy to know what to do each day. I only say I hate it because it's so difficult and I feel tired after just the warm-up! But that is a good thing, means I should be able to see my progress as it gets easier (I really hope...).

I tried the TNT diet workout (I didn't do their diet, just started their workout program. If you google it, it says it's a plan for men, but I'm sure the regular strength training program is fine for woman too). I completed the first 4 weeks only of a 12 week program. It's a strength training program you do every other day and on the opposite days I did cardio-treadmill or elliptical. I lost a couple pounds in the 4 weeks which is the only weight I lost in the last couple years of trying. My husband completed their beginner 12 weeks, then the advanced and then the high weights and it really worked for him!  But for those you need weights and some equipment so I will try Insanity this time.

For breakfast I had some Engine 2 Diet cereal with their almond milk. I do like their almond milk the best. I remember comparing nutritional facts of theirs with some others when I first heard about Engine 2 and liked theirs the best.

Lunch was left-over salad from yesterday and baked potato.
Banana "ice cream" with cacao and walnuts
I had a sweet tooth today. I also felt a little off, didn't feel like doing anything today, not lethargic just a bit blah. So I watched a bunch of TV (this was after exercising).  I blended a frozen banana with some cacao and vanilla, topped it with
Seitan before it's cooked. No way I
could get it in a nice, neat rectangle
walnuts and had that to crave my sweet tooth. Eventually I did get up and made dinner just didn't really do anything else today.

Dinner I made the BBQ Seitan Kabobs from My Beef with Meat. First time making seitan. It was a very weird texture, both before and after cooked, stretchy and poofy. But it turned out good, and I'll have leftovers for tomorrow!


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