Friday, February 7, 2014

Day 5 - Returning Home

Flew home from Rochester today. Breakfast was again hotel oatmeal and side of  pineapple. I've been doing English Breakfast tea in the morning instead of coffee.  Layover in Chicago, same area as Wednesday so I went back to the burrito place for the salad with black beans and salsa. I did have a smoothie too. I know with the challenge they recommend eating not drinking our foods but I just really wanted a nice drink in the airport. I made sure the smoothie was just soy milk and fruit.

Friday nights are the only nights my husband will have complex carbs. We've come a long way from his Atkins days and during the week his diet consists of a lot of fruits and vegetables, but no bread, pasta etc. Only Friday he'll have whole wheat pasta. It makes finding meals for dinner during the week a little difficult but we make it work (lots of vegetables, not a bad thing!).  Since I had the long flight today he made dinner. He was very good to not use any oil and sauteed my onions and peppers in vegetable broth instead. I bought the Whole Foods plain tomato sauce, added some garlic, basil and oregano. Very simple and tasty.

All my site visits are in San Diego next week so I am not traveling. That means I'll be cooking! I brought My Beef with Meat with me on the plane and made a meal plan for the week. I'm excited, and glad to be able to spend time at home. I also hope to really focus on exercising. We'll see how that goes.

I started reading Whole this week as well. We can discuss that one later. Two books I really would like to recommend is (besides of course My Beef with Meat and Engine 2 Diet, which if you're doing the challenge you probably already read or on your way to :-):

The China Study - When I read it I felt like I was reading the secret to a healthy long life!  I made notes, highlighted things, it looks like a textbook. I plan to send it home. I know my Mom will read it, she is doing this challenge with me.  I will tell her to leave it on the counter so my Dad, Grandma and Brother, anyone else passing by might at least flip to where my stickies are and maybe get interested!

Salt, Sugar, Fat: How the Food Giants Hooked Us - This book was so interesting! And if you are still tempted by processed foods, you won't be after reading this!  It discusses how big food industries started, how it became what it is today, involvement of the government in that, some key players and their backgrounds and stories. He also talks about why these 3 things are so bad for us, and the science and methodology behind how the manufacturers "hook" people. Really a great, interesting read. 

You can find an excerpt here (this is where I first heard of the book):

Have you read either of these and have comments? Or any other suggestions for good reads?  I enjoy reading these types of books because it helps me to keep going with the diet by reiterating the benefits and reminding us one of the really important reasons to eat this way (the other reason I think is the animals).



  1. I recommend reading "Prevent & Reverse Heart Disease" byRip's Dad, Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn & "The Starch Solutuon" by Dr. John McDougall.

    1. Great thank you! Those 2 books are on my list so good to know they come recommended :-)

  2. I also recommend visiting nutrition, fascinating information there!

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