Saturday, February 15, 2014

Day 13-Saturday is Always a Cleaning Day!

Another Saturday that I don't exercise! It seems not to make sense since I have all day without having to go to work but I just get into other things.  It's laundry day and chores day. I was up early, about 8am and started laundry, which is earlier then I usually do. After that, I decided to work on cleaning things out (although this didn't start until after lunch, morning was a relaxing time). I have slowly been working on decluttering my apartment. Recently finished reading Getting Rid of it: Eliminating the Clutter in Your Life by Betsy and Warren Talbot so when I feel like it and have time, have been working on this. Well today I felt like it. I spent lots of time going through my clothes and have a ton to get rid of, things I haven't worn in the last couple years that I kept because I like but if it's been that long since wearing it, time to go. I went through the kitchen, scrubbed the fridge, cleaned out some shelves, found some expired food to get rid of. By the time I felt ready to stop it was time to make dinner!

For breakfast I had oatmeal with raisins again, and 1/2 a cup of coffee. I posted a pic of the oatmeal I always eat when at home, I love it.

Lunch I had leftovers from last night, spaghetti with eggplant and the spinach/tofu mixture. I also added diced tomatoes and zucchini. Trying to keep with that 2/3 - 1/3 rule.

Walnut Secha tea from

Dinner I didn't feel very hungry. I baked a sweet potato and that's all I really had for dinner. I later had a piece of the blueberry tart I made last night with a cup of excellent walnut green tea my mom sent me for Christmas from a tea room in upstate NY we go to when I visit home called The Whistling Kettle.


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